Today we’re shifting gears to talk about how you can get the most out of your current job. While getting a meaningful raise while staying at the same company is often difficult, these strategies can significantly improve your chances.

When it comes to budgeting, we often focus on cutting expenses and managing our money wisely. However, increasing your income is equally important for achieving financial stability and reaching your financial goals. By working to get a raise, you can enhance the income side of your budget, giving you more flexibility and the ability to save and invest more effectively.

Whether you’re aiming for a raise, a promotion, or just looking to increase your overall value, these strategies can help you boost your earnings and advance your career. So, grab your notebook, and let’s dive in!

1. Improve Your Skills

Investing in your personal and professional development is a fundamental way to increase your earning potential. The more skilled you are, the more you can contribute to your organization, making you a more valuable asset. It can also make it easier for your manager to argue for a raise for you with their boss. Talk with your manager to see if there is a program through work that will pay for courses or certifications.

Practical Steps:

Take Courses: Enroll in courses that are relevant to your field. Many online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses that can help you gain new skills.

Certifications: Obtain certifications that are recognized in your industry. These can often lead to higher pay and more job opportunities.

Read and Research: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your industry by reading books, articles, and research papers.

A friend of mine took a series of project management courses and obtained her PMP certification. Not only did this make her more efficient at work, but it also led to a significant salary increase when she was promoted to a project manager position. And the company paid for her to get her PMP.

2. Take on Additional Responsibilities

Another effective way to increase your earnings at your current job is to take on additional responsibilities. Employers value employees who go above and beyond their basic job descriptions. Use your improved skills to take on more complex and varied tasks.

Practical Steps:

Identify Gaps: Look around your workplace and identify areas where you can contribute more. This could be anything from helping with a project to mentoring a new employee.

Volunteer: Don’t wait to be asked. Volunteer to take on new tasks or projects. This shows initiative and can position you as a go-to person for future opportunities.

Skill Development: Use these opportunities to develop new skills. The more versatile you are, the more valuable you become to your employer.

My fiancé noticed at his work that there wasn’t anyone ensuring there was a cohesive front-end code. He took it upon himself to learn about all the different areas of the code and then mentioned to his boss that it’s what he was interested in doing. He was able to find projects to be a part of and helped out with some bugs that made it to code to show that he was capable of the role. They promoted him to a position where he can do that and increased his salary by 30% since he started two years ago. He is now working his way to his next goal.  

3. Network Within Your Company

Networking isn’t just for finding new jobs; it’s also essential for maximizing your current job. Building strong relationships with colleagues, managers, and other departments can open up new opportunities for advancement and help you get a raise. Utilize the connections you make by taking on additional responsibilities to expand your network. As it’s often said, “it isn’t what you know, it’s who you know”. Even if you don’t know anyone right now, use your current job and the possible connections through that to create your network. These connections will be even more valuable because they have worked with you and know how amazing you are.

Practical Steps:

Attend Company Events: Make it a point to attend company events, meetings, and social gatherings. This helps you build relationships and stay informed about what’s happening within the company.

Seek Mentors: Find mentors within your organization who can offer guidance and support. Mentors can provide valuable insights and help you navigate your career path.

Collaborate: Work on cross-departmental projects. This not only showcases your skills to a wider audience but also helps you build a network of supporters across the organization.

By actively participating in company events and collaborating with different teams, I was able to build a strong network within my organization. This network has been invaluable in helping me find new opportunities and gain support for my ideas.

4. Demonstrate Your Value

To get a raise, you need to consistently demonstrate your value to your employer. This means not only doing your job well but also showcasing your achievements and contributions. By providing this information to your manager, you give them something to go back to their boss with as a reason why you should get a raise.

Practical Steps:

Track Your Accomplishments: Keep a record of your accomplishments, big and small. This will be helpful when it’s time for performance reviews or when asking for a raise.

Get it in writing: If your contributions helped someone or a department, ask them to send an email about how important your contribution was and the result of it.

Communicate Results: Don’t assume your contributions are being noticed. Regularly communicate your successes and the impact of your work to your manager and team.

Be Proactive: Look for ways to solve problems and improve processes within your organization. Being proactive shows that you’re dedicated to the company’s success.

Check out this article on LinkedIn and read through the contributions some of them are helpful.

During my last performance review, I presented a detailed report of my achievements over the past year, including metrics that demonstrated my impact on the team’s performance. This data-driven approach helped us plan for what we wanted to work on this year to ensure I could move into future roles that I want.

5. Negotiate Your Salary

One of the most direct ways to get a raise is to negotiate your salary. Whether you’re starting a new job or seeking a raise at your current one, negotiating your salary is essential to maximizing your earnings. Using inflation as a reason to get a raise while it should work (after all isn’t your contribution worth the same that it was last year at the very least?) it often doesn’t. Having a plan will help you get a better raise or let you know to look elsewhere.

Practical Steps:

Do Your Research: Before negotiating, research the average salary for your position and experience level. Websites like Glassdoor and Payscale can provide valuable data.

Prepare Your Case: Be ready to explain why you deserve a higher salary. Highlight your accomplishments, skills, and the value you bring to the organization.

Be Confident: Approach the negotiation with confidence. Remember, salary negotiation is a common practice, and employers expect it.

 When I was offered my current job, I researched the average salary for my position and experience level. I had been keeping a list of all the times I demonstrated my value and the projects that I worked on. Armed with this information and a list of my qualifications, I successfully negotiated a higher starting salary.

6. Talk with Your Manager About Your Career Goals

Open and honest communication with your manager or higher-ups about your career aspirations is crucial. Being clear about your expectations and the position you want to move into can help you understand what it takes to get there. This discussion can also guide you in implementing all the other tips effectively. You can also ask your manager about the best way to do it.

Practical Steps:

Schedule a Meeting: Set up a dedicated time to discuss your career goals with your manager. Ensure it’s a focused conversation without distractions. Try to do this bi-weekly or monthly.

Be Specific: Clearly outline your career goals and the position you’re aiming for. Discuss the skills and experience you need to achieve these goals.

Seek Guidance: Ask your manager for advice on how to reach your goals. A good manager will help you develop a plan and provide opportunities for growth.

Evaluate: If your manager isn’t supportive or if there’s no clear path to advancement, it might be time to start looking for a new job where your ambitions are valued.

I had a candid discussion with my manager about my career aspirations. Together, we created a development plan that included taking on more strategic projects. This not only clarified my path but also showed my commitment to growth within the company.


And there you have it! These six strategies can help you maximize your earnings and get the most out of your current job. By improving your skills, taking on additional responsibilities, networking within your company, demonstrating your value, negotiating your salary, and communicating your career goals, you can increase your income and advance your career.

And if it doesn’t work, these tips will help you create a stronger resume to get a job that will pay you what you are worth. Remember, currently switching jobs every two years will result in a higher salary on average than staying at your current job. So, if they aren’t helping you move forward and paying what you are worth then start looking for a new job. Always be interviewing. If they aren’t investing in you and being loyal to you then there is no reason to be loyal back.

Remember, every little step you take towards enhancing your value at work can lead to significant financial rewards. If you found these tips helpful, please share this post with others who might benefit. Drop any questions or your own tips in the comments below. Let’s keep thriving together!